Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Different Words...

Anthropophagist - someone who eats people (I thought they were called cannibals?)
Armsaye - the armhole in clothing.
Bleb - a raised area on the skin.
Blepharospasm - The twitching (painful closure) of the eyelid due to discomfort
Boanthropy - a type of insanity in which a man thinks he is an ox.
Brandophile - one who collects cigar bands.
Capon - a castrated rooster. (but don't eat them... they don't even taste like chicken!!)
Chad - tiny bits of paper left over from hole punching data cards.
Chanking - spat-out food (rinds or pits).
Defenestration - the act of throwing someone or something out a window.
Dibble - to drink like a duck. (see also Dipsomaniac)
Diphallicterata - a disease in which a man has two penises. (A whole new meaning to
getting a little on the side)
Dipsomaniac - alcoholic
Eugeria - normal and happy old age.
Euneirophrenia - peace of mind after a pleasant dream.
Eyeservice - work done only while the boss is watching.
Feat - a dangling curl of hair
Flocinaucinihilipiliphication - the action of estimation is worthless.
Groak - to watch people eat hoping that they will offer you some of their food.
Gynotikolobomassophile - one who likes to nibble on a woman's earlobe.
Hebephrenic - a condition of adolescent silliness.
Hematochezia - Passage of bloody stools
Iatrogenic - illness or disease caused by doctors or by prescribed treatment.
Lapling - someone who enjoys resting in women's laps. (I'm guilty)
Librocubicularist - one who reads in bed.
Minimus - little finger or toe.
Napiform - having the shape of a turnip
Natatorium - a swimming pool, particularly indoors
Neanimorphic - looking younger than one's year.
Nihilist - someone who believes in nothing.
Notophile - one who collects bank notes.
Obdormition - numbness caused by pressure on a nerve (when a limb is "asleep").
Oniochalasia - buying as a means of mental relaxation.
Ophryon - space between the eyebrows on a line with the top of the eye sockets.
Parnel - a priest's stress.
Philotelist - a stamp collector.
Pilgarlic - a bald head that looks like a peeled garlic.
Polyorchid - a man who has at least three testicles.
Preantepenultimate - fourth from last.
Prestidigitator - a magician
Puricle - space between thumb and extended forefinger.
Rasceta - creases on the inside of the wrist.
Scatophagy - religious practice of eating excrement.
Scroop - rustle of silk.
Spermologer - one who collects trivia. (not what I would have guessed!)
Suppedaneim - foot support for crucifix victims.
Wether - a castrated sheep.
Zarf - a holder of a handless coffee cup.


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